BMECH_ADDEVENT(fld,ch,ename,type,sfld) batch process of event addition ARGUMENTS fld ... Folder to batch process (string). ch ... Name of channel to add events to as string. ex Choose 'fz1' or 'fz2' or 'all' for all channels ename ... The name of new event branch in zoo file as string type ... See line 47 ('max' 'min' 'toe off' heel strike'...) string sfld ... Subfolder of files not to include in addevent algorithm. Default '' constant ... a constant value to be used by a specific case. NOTES: - adding events can be done at any point during processing and can be called numerous times - add new cases as required to compute new events in addevents.m See also addevent_data, bmech_removeevent, bmech_renameevent